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Graduate Programs

Take the next step in your career. We offer a rigorous, high-quality curriculum that will help you address complex communication issues.

What We Offer

Our department offers two graduate programs: the 36-hour M.S. in communication and the 56-hour Ph.D. in communication, rhetoric and digital media. Courses range from public relations, organizational communication, interpersonal communication, cultural studies, mediated communication and digital media, among others.

We also partner with NC State’s Poole College of Management to offer an interdisciplinary graduate certificate in professional communication and managerial skills. Students take four, three-credit-hour courses: two in management and two in communication.

Graduate students work alongside our award-winning faculty to conduct research that addresses the social, environmental and political challenges of our world.

Graduate Program Contacts

Andrew Binder, Director of Graduate Programs

Andrew Johnston, Director of CRDM Ph.D. Program