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COM Undergrad News: September 2020

belltower surrounded by leaves

If you are like me, these first few weeks of classes have felt like a blur. There have been many changes during these first few weeks, so I hope that everyone is feeling more settled. Building, creating and maintaining our social support networks is particularly important as classes have moved online. I encourage you to get involved in student organizations, participate in events hosted by the Union Activities Board, attend a workshop or lecture, participate as an undergraduate research assistant, and volunteering. I have provided information on many resources and opportunities in this newsletter.

Making Appointments

Drop-In Advising

  • I will have Zoom drop-in office hours this semester. These virtual meetings are for quick questions you may have. These drop-in hours are Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 3:30pm – 4:30pm:
  • You can also drop-in and talk with Ms. Mindy Sopher. She will have drop-in hours Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 2pm – 3pm:

Scheduling Appointments

You can always schedule a meeting with me to discuss specific questions you may have:, then call 919.307.9104 at the designated appointment time.

Managing Stress and Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, so it is important to take the time to strengthen our support systems and connections. There are several Suicide Prevention Awareness events:

We are in times of unique and compounding stressors, so I want to make sure you are taking care of yourself.

If you find that you are experiencing more sustained stress, the Counseling Center provides counseling for NC State students experiencing personal, academic or vocational problems. Psychological assessment and psychiatric consultation are also available. Services are primarily short-term in nature and referrals to other helping professionals and community agencies are made as appropriate. Strict confidentiality is assured. Many services are free to currently enrolled students of North Carolina State University. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Counseling Center is not accepting walk-in appointments. Please call them at (919) 515-2423 to speak with a counselor.

If the personal behavior of a peer or friend concerns or worries you, either for the peer/friend’s well-being or yours, we encourage you to report this behavior to the NC State CARES team: Share a Concern

Upcoming Events

Would You Rather….? Wolfpack Edition

  • Tuesday, Sept. 22
  • 8 – 9:30 p.m.

How well do you know the Wolfpack? Join W.O.L.F. for a night of fun exploring wacky scenarios and celebrating NCSU traditions. In this event, students will be quizzed on their knowledge of the Wolfpack community as well as enjoy watching a panel of student volunteers complete entertaining “would you rather” challenges. Register at:

Howl and Chill: Virtual Paint Night

  • Tuesday, Sept. 29
  • 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

Join UAB’s W.O.L.F. committee and WellRec for a paint night featuring step by step virtual instruction. All registrants will receive a free paint kit, featuring a canvas, paints and paintbrushes. Register at:

How to Talk About Science in a Post-Truth World 

  • Thursday, Oct. 1
  • 6 p.m.

The Parks Scholars Class of 2022 will host the Gerald H. Elkan Distinguished Lecture in Science and Society featuring Thomas Hager. For more information, including the link to register, please go here:

From Mobile Gaming towards a Pervasive Culture of Play

The Mobile Gaming Research Lab at NC State invites you to a brown bag webinar with Frans Mäyrä, professor of information studies and interactive media at the Tampere University (Finland). In this webinar, Mäyrä will give a 30 minute talk, followed by 30 minutes of Q&A from the audience. Mäyrä will discuss his experiences engaging these combinations of academic and creative work, focusing on differences of studying games versus play — and then move to outline the history, potential and need of theory for what he calls “pervasive culture of play.”

Music Decades Trivia

  • Tuesday, Oct. 13
  • 8:00 – 9:30 p.m.

Join the W.O.L.F. committee for Music Decades Trivia. Register now for a chance to win some prizes and reserve your spot with your team! Register at:

Follow Union Activities Board (UAB) @NCStateUAB on Instagram and Twitter for more information on getting involved.

Academic Support

College of Humanities and Social Sciences Academic Support Center

Academic Support Center advisors are current graduate students in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. They can assist in many areas, including strategies to handle academic difficulty, time management and accountability. You can contact the advisors via email at: You should receive a reply within one business day. Each advisor is also available to schedule virtual advising appointments.

When you schedule an appointment, please be sure to briefly indicate what you wish to talk about. Ben is generally available on Tuesdays from 9-4, Thursdays from 9-5, and Fridays from 8-12. To book an appointment, please see: Ben Barkley Google Appointment Calendar; Helen is generally available on Mondays 10:30-3:30, Tuesdays 10:30-3:30, and Wednesdays 11-2. To book an appointment, please see: Helen Oluokun Google Appointment Calendar; Stacie is generally available on Tuesdays 9-5, Wednesdays 9-5, and Thursdays 9-1. To book an appointment, please see: Stacie Sanchez Google Appointment Calendar.

Academic Success Center (formerly the Tutorial Center)

The Academic Success Center is located on the second floor in D.H. Hill Jr. Library ( They are offering many programs this semester, including a new academic peer mentoring program for students who want regular support with time management and study skills. They will also offer drop-in tutoring, group, one-on-one tutoring and writing appointments, and SI. Though their services will be offered virtually by our peer tutors and mentors during Fall 2020, their office is open for business and they welcome students to visit their new space. Please note that due to the pandemic, it is required to have an NC State ID and a face mask to enter the library during the fall semester. Once they return to serving students face-to-face, the ASC will also be offering drop-in academic advising, career counseling, and wellness coaching in conjunction with some of their DASA partners. Until then, there are links from their new site to lead students to virtual support by those programs.

Undergraduate Research and Internship Opportunities

Dr. Romo is looking for students interested in gaining research experience to work on one of two projects. The first research project is examining how college athletes are managing uncertainty during COVID-19. The second research project is examining the experiences of people who have regained weight after a significant weight loss. For more information or if you are interested, please email Dr. Romo:

Tar Heel Teachers is currently seeking interns to assist with production and publicity for Tar Heel Teachers at Home and Tar Heel Teachers Daily. We want to help communication, education and other students build their portfolios through flexible and rewarding ways. Tar Heel Teachers encompasses a website, a panel talk show, an interview series: Tar Heel Teachers at Home, a travel series: Tar Heel Teachers on the Road, and a micro-series: Tar Heel Teachers Daily. Please visit their website, Tar Heel Teachers and Tar Heel Teachers YouTube Channel, for an overview of their work. Apply here. If you have questions, please contact Marlow Artis (

Student Involvement

Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)

Do you want to connect with professionals from not only across the Triangle, but the world — including specialists at SAS, the Carolina Hurricanes and international PR agencies? Do you want to make yourself more competitive BEFORE you graduate?

For anyone interested in joining the Public Relations Student Society of America at NC State, please reach out to for more information. PRSSA hosts professional development meetings twice a month, on the first and last Monday of each month from 5-6 p.m. via Zoom as well as various events throughout the year. This semester, they are offering 25% off dues until Oct. 15.

PRSSA is open to ALL majors and disciplines. Get involved and spread the word!

Changing Health Attitudes and Actions to Recreate Girls (CHAARG)

CHAARG is a national collegiate organization with over 75 chapters nationwide, focusing on fitness, wellness, and the empowerment of all people. They strive to make the chapter here at NC State a celebratory, inclusive, and safe space for all who join. This semester, they are doing all of their workouts virtually and are currently in the process of recruiting new members. Aside from virtual workouts, they have weekly exec-led virtual Small Groups for members to bond, workout, or simply have a study date/snack via zoom. The chapter will have multiple virtual chapter-wide socials throughout the semester.

For more information, please email and follow on Instagram: and @ncstate_inchaarg.

Volunteer Opportunities

NC State’s School of Social Work is hoping to connect students with local organizations who are still in need of volunteers this fall. Students can access our Volunteer/Career Fair (VCF) materials in the following ways:

The School of Social Work will continue to add and update information to these resources as they receive it from local agencies.