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COM Undergrad News: February 2021

1911 building on NC State's campus

Welcome to the Spring 2021 semester!

This newsletter provides information on the following topics:

  • Advising
  • Department of Communication Event Series
  • Academic Support
  • Managing Stress
  • Student Involvement and Engagement Opportunities
  • Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Elizabeth Craig
  • Alumni Spotlight: Adonna Biel


Please make sure you are checking in with your advisor as needed. Cynthia Zuckerman-Hyman will hold drop-in advising sessions on Wednesday 3-4pm. You can join here:

You can also schedule an appointment with Cynthia through her appointment calendar:

Department of Communication Event Series

The Department of Communication Event Series is hosting Adonna Biel on Feb. 16 at 6 p.m. Zoom in to learn more about the opportunities she used to create her job experiences. There will also be a time to ask questions. You can read more about Adonna in our Alumnus Spotlight!  Zoom Link:

Academic Support

There are two options for academic support: the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Academic Support Center and the University Academic Success Center.

Humanities and Social Sciences Academic Support Center

Academic Support Center advisors are current graduate students in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. They can assist in many areas, including strategies to handle academic difficulty, time management, and accountability. The advisors also monitor the email account for questions. Students can make appointments with the advisors directly on their calendars (see:, or can just email the advisor directly.

Ben Barkley (
Tuesdays: 9-5
Thursdays: 9-5 
Fridays: 8-12 

Helen Oluokun (
Monday: 9-3:30
Tuesday: 9-5
Wednesday: 10-2 then 2-3:30 OR 5-6:30 (alternating weeks)

Stacie Sanchez (
Monday: 9-5
Tuesday: 9-5
Wednesday: 3-5 
Thursday: 3-5 

Academic Success Center

The Academic Success Center is located on the second floor in D H Hill Jr Library ( They are offering many programs this semester, including an academic peer mentoring program for students who want regular support with time management and study skills. They will also offer drop-in tutoring, group, one-on-one tutoring and writing appointments, and SI. The Academic Success Center space is on the 2nd floor of the DH Hill Jr Library, and is open for general student use at all time when the library is open. Please note that an NC State ID is required for building access and a mask must be worn at all times.

Managing Stress

We are in times of unique and compounding stressors, so I want to make sure you are taking care of yourself.

If you find that you are experiencing more sustained stress, the Counseling Center provides counseling for NC State students experiencing personal, academic or vocational problems. Psychological assessment and psychiatric consultation are also available. Services are primarily short-term in nature and referrals to other helping professionals and community agencies are made as appropriate. Strict confidentiality is assured. Many services are free to currently enrolled students of North Carolina State University. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Counseling Center is not accepting walk-in appointments. Please call them at  (919) 515-2423 to speak with a counselor. (

If the personal behavior of a peer or friend concerns or worries you, either for the peer/friend’s well-being or yours, we encourage you to report this behavior to the NC State CARES team:  (Share a Concern)

Student Involvement and Engagement Opportunities

Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) — open to all majors

Do you want to connect with professionals from not only across the Triangle, but across the world, including specialists at SAS, The Hurricanes, and international PR agencies? Do you want to make yourself more competitive before you graduate? Consider joining the Public Relations Student Society of America. PRSSA is open to ALL majors and disciplines. Get involved and spread the word! Contact for more information. You can also follow PRSSA on Instagram

Summer Internship: Tobs Baseball

The Wilson Tobs Baseball Club is looking for enthusiastic and knowledgeable college students who would like to obtain a 2021 SUMMER Internship within the field of sports. Available positions are: Operations & Event Management; Promotions & Marketing; Video Production & Media.

About Wilson Tobs Baseball Club –

Here is the link to their Internship page –

If you are interested, please contact Mike Bell (

Tutors sought for student athletes

The Academic Support Program for student-athletes is hiring NC State students as tutors for the Spring 2021 semester. The job descriptions and the link to apply are provided below. Tutors are sought in the areas of math, science, writing and speaking.

Learn about tutor positions

Do you have a great software or app idea?

You don’t have to be a market expert or programmer to turn your app idea into the next great NC State startup. The Sweat Equity Challenge (SEC) is a competitive application idea challenge that gives you the tools you need to turn your app or software idea into a startup. Application deadline is Mar. 1.

Submit your application

Apply for Rural Works! summer internships

North Carolina’s small communities want you. Rural Works! paid summer internships will sharpen your skills with free professional development, and help you discover more about yourself through the StrengthsFinder assessment, all while you live and work to make a difference in a rural community. The program is open to all NC State University students, and applications are now open.

Learn more about Rural Works!

Student positions open on Student Media Board of Directors

Student Media is seeking candidates for three at-large student positions on its Board of Directors for the 2021-2022 academic year.    The Student Media Board of Directors, which also includes appointed students, professional and academic representatives, and the top student leader of each Student Media outlet, meets monthly during the academic year to help shape the vision and direction of the Student Media, including hiring top editors/managers and overseeing the budget.   Interested students must file an intent to run form with Student Government and follow all rules set forth by Student Government to be included on the spring ballot. The one-year term runs from May 1 to April 30.   Find more information about Student Media